Category Archives: Experian MISSING date of first delinqueny / charge-off

My published complaint to the FTC about the Experian lates after charge-off or collection

My DRAFT complaint to the FTC is posted at I have not received a response from Experian or DeVry and I’ll snail mail everything next week to the FTC. That DeVry would DELIBERATELY destroy their former students’ credit and lives is beyond belief.   Obviously, that’s a school to be avoided at any cost. Very important, […]

The extremely important Experian STATUS and DELETION dates

(click on image for full size) When was this account charged off? How does a CREDITOR know how to rate this account? How does Experian determine when the account is to be deleted? How do FICO scores rate the account? Since Fair Isaac does NOT provide the DETAILS for the scores such as how many […]

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