Tag Archives: collection

New blogs on credit reports, collections and credit litigation

I haven’t had time to post here because I’ve been very busy setting up new blogs at Liars and Cheats EXPOSED: BBVA Compass Bank CLOSED my Accounts to RETALIATE for my Publications Cohen & Slamowitz Unfair Collection Litigation Practices Credit Bureau Experian and DeVry Reporting False Late Payments and Refusal to Delete Credit Reporting and […]

Collections do NOT have to be disputed “in writing”

Another interesting excerpt from the Midland / Brent opinion: In addition to clerical mistakes, the Sixth Circuit has also allowed the bona fide error defense for mistakes of law. Jerman, 538 F.3d at 472-73. The debt collector in Jerman sent a letter that included the statement that a dispute of the debt must be made […]

Experian REFUSING to correct rehabbed student loan and incomplete and false Afni collection reporting

Here we go again, another student loan Experian reporting problem and insane investigation results along with SYSTEMIC false and incomplete Afni collection reporting and strange Experian legal advice.  My email to attorney Chang (Jones Day, counsel for Experian in my case against it) is posted below. 1) Experian’s refusal to report the rehabbed student loan as […]

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