Credit Analysis, Recommendations and Disputes

The full Credit Analysis

$1,000 for 5 hours — $500 for Credit Activists

  • This service is ONLY for clients whose credit is extremely important.

Each credit bureau reports different data and the reports are scored by different Fair Isaac formulas.  I manually copy/paste each derogatory account to your private forum, review the reporting for inconsistencies, determine what really happened and draft the appropriate disputes.  Often charge-offs are reported with incorrect data by at least one credit bureau, possibly seriously lowering the FICO scores.

I also analyze the FICO score factors, open accounts and inquiries prior to drafting disputes and making recommendations.  Because there is no software to automate many of these tasks, it is extremely time consuming.

You will also have to make time to answer my questions and of course I answer your questions, you mail the disputes I drafted and then provide all investigation results.  It also GREATLY helps if you provide summaries about each problem account, collection letters and it is especially helpful if  you have recordings of collection calls.

How much time it takes to resolve YOUR problems depends greatly on how efficient and organized YOU are.   I highly recommend that most clients start by ordering the  CreditFactors Subscription (free assistance in the Member Forum) to get started.

You get a full credit for your  CreditFactors subscription when personal services are ordered within 60 days from the subscription date.

  • You must provide me with online access to your myFICO reports.

Since myFICO no longer provides Experian reports, you need to obtain the report directly from Experian or through a free trial subscription from an Experian company.    You may also need the Equifax or Trans Union direct reports, depending on your specific problems. You will need to order new myFICO reports after the credit bureaus completed their investigations for the followup review, analysis of the changes, recommendations and/or 2nd dispute drafts.

  • I can NOT work with tri-merged and other incomplete reports – they do NOT contain all data utilized by FICO scores.

I provide you with access information for your private forum and instructions for SECURE submission of your personal data and credit report login information within 24 hours of your order.

I’ve had clients who did not want me to know who they are and they provided their credit reports with redacted data, but this option is not available to Credit Activists.

  • After my initial Analysis, you must be willing and able to answer my questions.

Please provide a brief summary and describe any problem accounts and previous disputes.

Knowing about your situation when I first review your reports will save time.

  • It is most cost efficient to wait with subsequent reviews until ALL credit bureaus completed their investigations.

You can either fax or provide the scanned results as tif or pdf files as soon as you receive them. However, unless you are facing a deadline, I recommend waiting to review the results until all credit bureaus completed their investigations, as it takes a lot less time.  My brain is no hard drive. Once I’m working with another client, I clear my mind of your accounts and problems and I actually have to read the postings about your credit.

  • Fax or post collection letters ASAP.

I recommend providing all communications from debt collectors immediately and posting summaries or recordings of collection calls so that we can discuss appropriate action right away.  It can be critical to settle a NEW collection quickly BEFORE they start reporting.  A PAID collection is NOT better than an unpaid collection for FICO scores.

  • If the CRAs refuse to correct data, I can provide you with an affidavit to include with your 2nd disputes.

You can request reimbursement of my fee. It is unlikely that credit bureaus pay prior to being served with the summons and complaint, but it may help get corrections.

  • Credit Activist discount

You receive a 50% discount off my hourly fee in exchange for allowing me to use your credit reports or collection letters without your personal identifying data to document violations as described in detail at Credit Activists.

  • The cost depends on how many hours I work on your behalf.

Of course it depends on the number of derogatory accounts, whether you have any legitimate disputes, your communication skills, your willingness to read recommended articles, how promptly you answer my questions and on how many questions you have.

On average, it takes about 10 hours to get through the process for clients with A FEW derogatory accounts.

I spend at least 5 hours on the initial Credit Analysis, discussion and preparing the dispute drafts and since I don’t bill like a lawyer, I don’t charge extra for a few more hours. Often it takes about another 5 hours to review the credit bureaus’ investigation results, review a new set of FICO reports and explain the various options and how to best deal with the likely incorrect verifications. I probably have to draft 2nd disputes and I can provide you with an affidavit if you want to sue or to attach to your disputes.  I also make long term recommendations for the highest possible FICO scores.  Again, it often takes more time than the projected hours, but I don’t charge extra unless specific problems require special attention.

If you have more than a few derogatory accounts and/or collectors are actively collecting, this will probably NOT be enough time and you should expect to have to order additional hours or SETTLEMENTS to deal with individual problem accounts requiring me to contact creditors or collectors directly.

If you need to settle accounts and you do NOT need to submit disputes, one settlement is included with the initial 5 hour Credit Analysis.

Please email a summary of your situation so I can give you my recommendations and an estimate.

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