Tag Archives: Experian

Experian refusal to investigate factual credit disputes and FALSE accusations of FRAUD

Here is the repost from the new Liars and Cheats EXPOSED blog at FTC complaint about Experian refusal to investigate factual credit disputes and the documentation and correspondence is posted there. My client actually INCLUDED a copy of his drivers license and utility bill with his factual disputes AND Experian provided him with his credit […]

Experian REFUSING to correct rehabbed student loan and incomplete and false Afni collection reporting

Here we go again, another student loan Experian reporting problem and insane investigation results along with SYSTEMIC false and incomplete Afni collection reporting and strange Experian legal advice.  My email to attorney Chang (Jones Day, counsel for Experian in my case against it) is posted below. 1) Experian’s refusal to report the rehabbed student loan as […]

My published complaint to the FTC about the Experian lates after charge-off or collection

My DRAFT complaint to the FTC is posted at http://liarsandcheats.info/credit-bureau-experian-and-devry-reporting-false-late-payments-refusal-to-delete/ I have not received a response from Experian or DeVry and I’ll snail mail everything next week to the FTC. That DeVry would DELIBERATELY destroy their former students’ credit and lives is beyond belief.   Obviously, that’s a school to be avoided at any cost. Very important, […]

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