Credit At-A-Glance

Personal Information

  • Personal data is NOT included in FICO scores.

While it’s not necessary to ensure the accuracy of personal data, I take a quick look when working with new clients.  Usually I don’t know where my clients live, where they work and how old that are.  It helps me communicate with my clients and STATE law is important when it comes to collection issues and law suits.

The ADDRESS is very important.

When I draft disputes for clients, I check the CURRENT addresses on all 3 reports and about 1/3 of  clients have a report with an incorrect current address.  Usually, but not always, these are reports with no open accounts.  

The credit bureaus will send investigation results to the address on the report and provide it to creditors for pre-approved credit offers.  

A notice of CORRECT address has to be included with the credit bureau disputes and it’s also a good idea to include a copy of ID and a utility bill showing the new address.

Personally, I avoid providing information to credit bureaus.  What does my drivers license number have to do with my credit?  When TU refused my disputes in 2001 and demanded ID, I immediately sued.  I didn’t ask them for a credit report, but for CORRECTION of my data.  I had even included a copy of my TU credit report with my dispute.  They should at least have started the investigation and could have sent a letter advising that I need to send ID before they’ll send me a new report.

It’s easier, cheaper and faster to just give them what they want, especially if they already have the info, such as your current drivers license number.

Credit bureaus also routinely refuse disputes and require ID even when the address is accurate and they recently sent investigation results to the same address.  It’s one of many ways for the credit bureaus to discourage disputes.

There are measures consumers should take to protect their privacy.

Never give home phone numbers or permanent cell phone numbers to creditors.  I recommend using free virtual phone numbers and PO boxes or private mail boxes for all .  Many millions of people will live a much more enjoyable life when they eventually default on their credit cards and have collectors hounding them.

Credit at-a-glance

Finally, some useful data.  I might have a quick look before I get to the accounts, but it’s not very relevant until after I reviewed the accounts.  If a reported mortgage doesn’t show up as mortgage in this table, there’s obviously a problem with the reporting.


I assume that this is the section for statements submitted by consumers to explain or dispute delinquent accounts after the credit bureaus refused to correct/delete.

FICO scores do NOT rate consumer statements. 

That’s why it’s pointless to submit these up to 100-word statements the credit bureaus promote when they don’t correct their reporting. 

It’s a lot like demonstrating at a political convention.  The protesters have to remain in a “free speech” zone where nobody hears and sees them.  Similarly, these “statements” are your right to free speech on your credit report, cleverly designed to be ignored.  You’re wasting your time and resources.

Additionally, there can be negative side effects. 

The late payments you’re apologizing for might drop off and the statement remains.  It could be embarrassing and/or could cost you an apartment or job.  If nothing else, you certainly look stupid.

Now if we could only get Congress to stop misleading consumers and to DELETE this fake and completely useless consumer “right”.

If you have something to say about incorrect reporting, say it to a judge.

The FCRA promotes these consumer statements to discourage lawsuits against creditors and credit bureaus.  The goal is to mislead consumers, falsely implying that they can mitigate the adverse effect of false credit reporting.  Only correction / deletion of the reporting will impact on the credit rating and that can best be accomplished with a lawsuit.

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